Saturday, March 1, 2008

Think You Let Christ Down? Christ Forgives

Peter was not perfect. Not by a long shot. After telling Christ that he would die for him and follow up to the ends of the Earth during the last supper . . . less than 24 hours later Peter denies that he knows Christ 3 times.

There is an old story about Peter that goes:

"And at the end of his life, Peter did fulfil his promise to Jesus to die for him, by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is reported that he was smuggled out of Rome by the church at a time when Christians were thrown in prison and executed on account of their belief in Jesus. Peter was already in safety, travelling away from Rome, when he had an apparition of Jesus walking toward Rome. And Peter asked Jesus: "domine, quo vadis?" (my Lord, where are you going?) And Jesus answered him: "I am going to Rome to be crucified again." And Peter said, "no, Lord, you are not."

"And he turned around, went into Rome, handed himself over to the authorities and was crucified. His only request was, "please don’t crucify me like they did my Lord, because I am not worthy of dying like he did."

Christ not only forgave this believer of seemingly weak faith, he not only forgave his multiple mis-steps, he used this man, Peter, to build his entire Church.

If think what you have done will not be forgiven by Christ think again; Christ is Love and Mercy.

Go to Confession now.

Peace be with you.

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