Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Jews Were Never Expecting Jesus

You may have asked yourself (like I have) why didn't the Jews recognize Jesus as the Messiah?

Simple. The Jews were expecting a new, powerful leader like David to arrive. He would be a mighty warrior that would help them overthrow the enemy (Rome) and lead them to the Promised Land. He would be strong and invincible.

Jesus was a poor carpenter from Nazareth (nothing good could come out of Nazareth!). He wasn't a warrior, he didn't have an army, he advocated love and non-violence, and he was tried and executed as a criminal.

Not exactly who the Jews were looking for. Also, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) there is absolutely nothing that says the Messiah had to die for humanity's sins. He wasn't to die - he was to lead the battle - so they were not expecting it.

Are you expecting it?

Peace Be With You

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