Friday, March 7, 2008

Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving

There is a loty to be said for Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving.

Fasting brings you closer to God and clears your head to here what is being said to you. There was a Priest at a local Church who used to assign a penance from Confessions of no water for 24 hours. Let the thrist you develop remind you of your tirst for the Lord. The other aspect to Fasting is the Biological one. When the body is not using its energy and resources to constantly process and digest food, it can turn its attention to reparing the body. Fasting (never any longer than 3 days) immensly helps clear the mind and correct the body. It berings us closer to God. I know it's hard, I still can't quite get away from my need of caffiene.

While your Fastinf your Prayers become super-charged. You are in a better position to communicate with God.

And during Lent, don't let everyone know about your donations (almsgiving) of time and money. God knows what your doing - and that's all that matters.

Peace Be With You.

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