Sunday, April 27, 2008

Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum

On July 7, 2007 the Vatican issued a Papal position paper entitled "Motu Proprio" allowing the us, again, of the Tridentine Mass. Also during that time another paper came out re-affriming the Catholic Church as the One True Church insituted by Christ Himself.

Shortly after, I was challenged by a friend of mine as to why I am Catholic given the history of scandal and abuse that exists within the Church. It took some gathering of my thoughts before I could answer.

The Catholic Church is the only church that can trace its lineage directly back to Christ Himself. The Protestant churches have all splintered off from the Catholic Church, the one True Church. There are over 22,500 Protestant chruches and growing everyday. They all believe someting a little different from each other and it would appear that the ONLY point on whihc they can all agree is that they don't like the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church is not perfect because it is comprised of humans. The original leader, St. Peter, of the Church was full of faults and weaknesses. Yet he was expressly chosen by Christ to lead the new Church

I am happy with my decision. I will never convince this friend through words. The words of St. Francis come to mind:

"Evangelize always and if you must, use words."

am still on social terms with this friend, but it is limited now.

Peace Be To You.

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