Saturday, May 24, 2008

Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy

This is truly a miracle. In the year 700 in Lanciano, Italy a Priest was celebrating the Mass. Now this Priest was also a student of the sciences. He always was trying to reconcile Faith with scientific fact.

During a Mass, just as he had said the words of consecration he was wrestling with the doubt about transubstantiation. Going through the cadence of the Mass was becoming routine for him.

At the moment he raised the Host to the parishioners, a miracle occurred which frightened the Priest to his core.

The bread turned into flesh before is eyes. Stunned and scared he staggered back from the alter after laying the Host down.

Slowly, what had just happened washed over him and he exclaimed to everyone in the Church "...Behold the Flesh and the blood of our Most Beloved Christ."

The host was indeed flesh, and the wine in the Chalice had been turned to blood.

Twelve centuries later and you can still see this miracle today. The host remains intact. It has the reddish appearance and fibrous texture of flesh. It remains in its own Tabernacle.

In 1971 a rigorous scientific analysis was performed by Professor Dr. Odorardo, University Professor of anatomy, pathological histology and clinical microscopy, Head Physician of the United Hospitals of Arezzo. He was assisted by Prof. Linoli and Prof. Dr. Ruggero Bertelli, a Professor Emeritus of anatomy at the University of Siena. They were able to conclude the following:

- The Blood of the Eucharistic Miracle is real blood and the Flesh is real flesh.
- The Flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the myocardium (heart wall).
- The Blood and the Flesh belong to the human species.
- The blood type is identical in the Blood and in the Flesh, type AB.
- The proteins in the blood are in the same proportions as those found in normal fresh blood.
- There is no trace whatsoever of any materials or agents used for preservation of flesh or blood.

The Body of Blood of Christ - in this instance made visible to a Priest who was wavering in belief proves the Eucharist is what we have always thought it was.

"My Flesh is real food; my Blood real drink."-John 6:56

Our Lord should not have to perform 'proofs' for us to believe - that is what we have Faith for. Relics are for those whose faith needs a boost. Bu this Eucharistic Miracle is one of beauty, awe, and humbling wonder.

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