Thursday, May 29, 2008

St. Cyril - On The Eucharist

St. Cyril wrote a sereies of lectures around the year 375 regarding beliefs, doctrines, and practices on the Eucharist. When it came to the Eucharist, St. Cyril (a Doctor of the Church) believed ferevntly in the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He also had explicit instructions on how the Eucharsit should be partaken.

"In approaching therefore, come not with your wrists extended, or your fingers spread; but make your left hand a throne for the right, as for that which is to receive a King . And having hollowed your palm, receive the Body of Christ, saying over it, Amen. So then after having carefully hallowed your eyes by the touch of the Holy Body, partake of it; giving heed lest you lose any portion thereof ; for whatever you lose, is evidently a loss to you as it were from one of your own members. For tell me, if any one gave you grains of gold, would you not hold them with all carefulness, being on your guard against losing any of them, and suffering loss? Will you not then much more carefully keep watch, that not a crumb fall from you of what is more precious than gold and precious stones?

"Then after you have partaken of the Body of Christ, draw near also to the Cup of His Blood; not stretching forth your hands, but bending , and saying with an air of worship and reverence, Amen , hallow yourself by partaking also of the Blood of Christ. And while the moisture is still upon your lips, touch it with your hands, and hallow your eyes and brow and the other organs of sense . Then wait for the prayer, and give thanks unto God, who has accounted you worthy of so great mysteries.

Sadly, in a recent survey, a disturbing number of Catholics in the U.S. believe the Eucharist is a memorial meal done in memory of Christ - without understanding that it is Christ himslef present on the the Alter.

How many of us take the Eucharist unworthily each week? Make it a point to go to Confession and receive the Sacrement of Reconciliation.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy

This is truly a miracle. In the year 700 in Lanciano, Italy a Priest was celebrating the Mass. Now this Priest was also a student of the sciences. He always was trying to reconcile Faith with scientific fact.

During a Mass, just as he had said the words of consecration he was wrestling with the doubt about transubstantiation. Going through the cadence of the Mass was becoming routine for him.

At the moment he raised the Host to the parishioners, a miracle occurred which frightened the Priest to his core.

The bread turned into flesh before is eyes. Stunned and scared he staggered back from the alter after laying the Host down.

Slowly, what had just happened washed over him and he exclaimed to everyone in the Church "...Behold the Flesh and the blood of our Most Beloved Christ."

The host was indeed flesh, and the wine in the Chalice had been turned to blood.

Twelve centuries later and you can still see this miracle today. The host remains intact. It has the reddish appearance and fibrous texture of flesh. It remains in its own Tabernacle.

In 1971 a rigorous scientific analysis was performed by Professor Dr. Odorardo, University Professor of anatomy, pathological histology and clinical microscopy, Head Physician of the United Hospitals of Arezzo. He was assisted by Prof. Linoli and Prof. Dr. Ruggero Bertelli, a Professor Emeritus of anatomy at the University of Siena. They were able to conclude the following:

- The Blood of the Eucharistic Miracle is real blood and the Flesh is real flesh.
- The Flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the myocardium (heart wall).
- The Blood and the Flesh belong to the human species.
- The blood type is identical in the Blood and in the Flesh, type AB.
- The proteins in the blood are in the same proportions as those found in normal fresh blood.
- There is no trace whatsoever of any materials or agents used for preservation of flesh or blood.

The Body of Blood of Christ - in this instance made visible to a Priest who was wavering in belief proves the Eucharist is what we have always thought it was.

"My Flesh is real food; my Blood real drink."-John 6:56

Our Lord should not have to perform 'proofs' for us to believe - that is what we have Faith for. Relics are for those whose faith needs a boost. Bu this Eucharistic Miracle is one of beauty, awe, and humbling wonder.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Christians Defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571

A Rosary Crusade was called October 7, 1571 by Pope Pius V. One of the earliest wars of the Muslims against the Christians at Lepanto marked the end of the Crusades. Christian warriors went into the battle with a sword in one hand and the Rosary in the other.

Muslims were defeated with nearly 200 ships destroyed.

"Realize the power in your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God. If you do not recognize the Rosary, can you expect to be recognized by My Son? How much can you expect? Why do you hide My Rosary? It was with a Mother's loving heart that I chose to give you these pearls of Heaven that you reject.

"Woe to all dedicated who seek to remove these from the little ones' hands, for their punishment will be metered in accordance to it!

"Why has sophisticated man cast aside these tokens of My love? Those who remain
true to My Rosary will not be touched by the fires. Gather these treasures, My children, for the time will come that you will not find them on the counters of your stores." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1970

>>>Read the Full Story Here<<<<

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anniversary of the Marian Fatima Apparitions

Today, 13-May, is the anniversary of the first of 6 Apparitions of the Blessed mother to the three children of Fatima, Portugal.

The Blessed Mother has made 15 Promises to those who pray the Rosary.

1. Whosoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Prayer For a New Pentecost

Today starts a nine day novena to the Holy Spirirt to light a fire in the hearts of those U.S. and around the world for the Faith. As called for by our Holy Father we pray for a New Pentecost.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love

Send forth your spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.

Oh God who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit

Grant us in this same spirit to be truly wise and to ever rejoice in His consultation

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen